Aquaculture regulation revisions re use of natural bodies of water, wastewater discharge permits, record-keeping, and importing fish -
Act 207
DNR regulation of certain activities near navigable waterways and environmental laws: revisions re individual and general permits, piers and wharfs, land grading, bridges and culverts, environmental approvals, houseboat repair and maintenance, expedited procedures for certain plan approvals, general permitting for certain wetland restoration activities, and notices DNR is required to provide; legislative review of general permits; report required -
Act 167
TID definition modified re wetlands -
Act 10
Wetland in Village of Ashwaubenon: water quality standards in compliance and exemption to certain laws administered by DNR if specified criteria are met -
Act 6
Wetland permitting and mitigation revisions; fees, surcharge, wetland map review, and administrative and judicial review provisions -
Act 118
Life and dedicated service commended upon his death; Room 235SW to be known as the Dick Wheeler Capitol Press Room [SJR-50] - JR-27
Kachel, David: life and public service to the Whitewater community commended [SJR-17] - JR-28
Major highway projects: four projects approved by TPC added to current enumerated list [Sec. 2211-2214]
Act 32
Case management services provisions created [Sec. 1347c-f, 1367c, e, 1384c, 9408 (3q)] -
Act 32
Intentional program violations re W-2 and emergency assistance: definition and penalties created
Act 202
TANF and child care allocations revised, transitional jobs demonstration projects provisions [Sec. 670, 672, 674, 680, 1373-1375, 1385c, 1388-1400, 9408 (3f)] [1385c — vetoed] -
Act 32
W-2 grant re caretakers of newborns: child's age reduced [Sec. 1361s, 9408 (1d)] -
Act 32
W-2 program revisions; transitional jobs demonstration project eliminated (ARRA moneys); DCF provision [Sec. 1346, 1348-1361f, 1362-1367, 1368-1371, 1385, 2391, 3568-3570, 9308 (4), (5i), 9408 (3i), (3j)] [1385 — partial veto] -
Act 32
Crime victim and witness rights revisions re treatment by public officials and use of personally identifying information including email; DA and legislative intent provisions
Act 283
Crime victim and witness surcharge allocation [Sec. 3547-3552] -
Act 32
No-contact orders by the court: penalties increased for violations re domestic abuse incidents; convicted individual prohibited from contacting witness to the crime and penalty for violations revised; JRCCP report -
Act 267
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases
Act 2
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report
Act 271
Domestic abuse committed in the presence of a child: sentencing court must consider as aggravating factor
Act 273
``Family planning" changed to ``women's health block grants" and funding provisions revised [Sec. 635b, 2875c-r]
Act 32
GPS tracking by Corr.Dept for restraining order or injunction violation conviction: court may order; surcharge, costs, notification, and penalty provisions; JRCCP report
Act 266
Health care benefits provided to certain assistance program recipients: modifications to third parties required to provide information to DHS and from which DHS may recover payments; pharmacy benefits manager provision
Act 189
Lucey, Jean: life and public service of the wife of Governor Patrick Lucey commended [AJR-102] - JR-17
No-contact orders by the court: penalties increased for violations re domestic abuse incidents; convicted individual prohibited from contacting witness to the crime and penalty for violations revised; JRCCP report -
Act 267
Obstructing a law enforcement officer by providing false information or evidence: convicted person may be assessed costs of the investigation; exceptions for recanting reports of or being a victim of abusive conduct or the report did not lead to criminal charges or a conviction -
Act 269
Repeated domestic abuse offenses: penalties increased; JRCCP report -
Act 277
Voluntary and informed consent to an abortion revisions; restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs; repeal of certain abortion prohibitions -
Act 217
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, work injury supplemental benefit fund (WISB), hearings and procedures, and program administration; study required
Act 183
Dislocated worker employment and training activities grants: appropriations revised [Sec. 683, 684, 2392]
Act 32
Division administrator: additional position for DWD and WERC, attorney provision; salary group for positions with information technology management responsibility changed; Division of Enterprise Technology created in DOA [Sec. 91m, 805, 809, 2754, 2755a, 2763, 2763m]
Act 32
Employment discrimination or unfair honesty or genetic testing cases: awarding of compensatory and punitive damages eliminated; DWD provision -
Act 219
Homecraft services for persons with severe disabilities: requirement removed [Sec. 1317-1320] -
Act 32
Hours of labor for minors under 16 years of age [Sec. 2390b, zk-zp] -
Act 32
Position transfers [Sec. 9108 (1), 9154 (1)] -
Act 32
Prevailing wage revisions including publicly funded private construction projects, inspection and submission of payroll records to DWD, enactment of statewide concern, incidental work outside a worker's usual trade, work the local government is not required to compensate, and multiple- and single-trade project of public works [Sec. 354y, 1727mb-y, 2390c-zhi, zr, 2404c, q, 2725t, 3534e-h, 9354 (1u)]
Act 32
Special occupational training for UI claimants: pilot program from DWD created, report required [partial veto]
Act 123
UI benefits: waiting period and failure of or refusal to take a test for illegal drugs required by employer or potential employer; DWD provision [Sec. 2403e-x, 9354 (1q), (2q)]
Act 32
UI law changes including concealment of benefit claim information, availability for work, interest on delinquent payments, and composition and authority of appeal tribunals
Act 236
UI law changes including test for illegal drugs, and contribution liability of successor employers; unemployment integrity fund created, sunset provision -
Act 198
WC law revisions re payment of benefits, work injury supplemental benefit fund (WISB), hearings and procedures, and program administration; study required
Act 183
World Dairy Center Authority eliminated -
Act 229
Class B bear hunting license: revisions re shooting a bear in certain circumstances, dog training, back tags, youth under age 16, and license exemption on set day in August
Act 28
Community youth and family aids: daily cost assessment to counties for juvenile corrections, group home, and foster care services for fiscal years 2011-12 and 2012-13 [Sec. 3000, 3001, 3003-3005] -
Act 32
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; victim in certain sex crimes against children can be an individual the perpetrator believed to be under 18; JRCCP report
Act 284
Tobacco and nicotine products: prohibition on providing or purchasing cigarettes for minors expanded; definition and compliance investigations of retail outlets provisions
Act 249
Youth aids funding [Sec. 634, 1282, 1288, 2999, 3006-3014] -
Act 32
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